Saturday, 02 May 2009 00:00 |
Now I have finished flying around the countryside in a rather nice Lamborghini Murcielago, I can get back to the drums and start work on my A to E kit. I want to have the option to use the new Gretsch Catalina kit in either Acoustic or Electronic formats, and perhaps combine both at times.
I am currently waiting for some mesh heads having located 2 14" Roland (one as part of the conversion kit) and will try out the recommended Hart Magnum for the kick. |  |
Initially, I am going to use triggers for the kit combined with my Smartrigger cymbals, although once I have the configuration of the kit how I want it, I plan to add some well known internal triggers. 
| Whilst I wait for the remaining heads, for the three drums that I have already switched to mesh, I have left the bottom mylar heads on and found I get a muted, but rather nice acoustic sound.
Here is the kit in early stages of construction / conversion with naturally more updates to follow.
Off into the light...