My drumming has been moving forward in so many good ways of late, but as ever, some areas remain painfully slow in progress and development. Something also didn't feel quite right about my kit. Don't get me wrong, it's not the drums or cymbals. The Black Panther Blaster kit and UFIP cymbals are sublime, as if created for me to my own personal taste. They feel and sound like liquid gold and inspire my playing. However, while playing the kit this week, it finally dawned on me what was wrong. Synergy!  It's hard to put into words when your playing feels unbalanced, but when you find the correct set up to create your own synergy, it is something very special. For me, it was an imbalance to my left. Accents that I seemingly naturally wish to make, were missing from my playing. I have simply swapped the cymbal positions to my right to help with the accents and with the addition of three drums and a single cymbal to my left, my own synergy has been restored and my playing feels totally balanced and the past few days have been so creative. I feel there are now just perhaps one or two minor changes in the kit to make and this will be my optimum 'trade mark' set up. One cymbal does not fit with the sound I am trying to create, but I know just what is required from the UFIP range, so that is an easy fix. I am also waiting for a part for my 14x8" Rosewood Gretsch snare which will vie for position with the Black Panther Mayan / Aztec Steel Snare 14x5.5", while the Black Panther 13x7" Maple Walnut is just sensational as side snare.  I'm keen to explore double pedals for the first time in the near future, but that is a totally new skill set to learn and may or may not compliment my style. You'll see from the images the new balanced set up. Tonally right around the kit, everything (bar the one cymbal) just sits so perfectly into how I play and how I want to sound. With the work outs on the Roland RMP-5 showing signs of progression, it's a wonderful place to be with my drumming right now. DRUMS - Mapex Black Panther Blaster Kit 22x20" Maple Walnut Bass Drum 10x7" Maple Walnut Tom 12x8" Walnut Tom 16x14" Walnut Floor Tom 14x5.5" Mapex Black Panther Mayan / Aztec Steel Snare 13x7" Mapex Black Panther Blaster Maple Walnut Snare 14x8" Gretsch Rosewood Power Snare (not shown) 14" Remo Roto-Tom 16" Remo Roto-Tom | CYMBALS (L-R) UFIP Vintage Chinese 16" UFIP Bionic Hi-Hats 14" 1212/1408g UFIP Class Splash 8" 210g M UFIP Class Splash 8" 165g L UFIP Class Splash 9" 240g L UFIP Bionic Crash 16" 1210g UFIP Bionic Crash 17" 1382g UFIP Blast Crash 19" UFIP Bionic Ride 22" 3484g UFIP Class China Splash 12" 500g UFIP Bionic Crash 19" 1876g | 