This is not about, as some might think, the legendary home counties band from the 1980's that contained our good friend and stick slapper, Ed Poole.
This is about Smartrigger. "Smartrigger?" I hear you mumble as you watch the snail races outside your window.
Yes, these are my choice of cymbals on the Genesis 10/12 kit. Of traditional brass-alloy construction but laminated to a special sound dampening layer to provide the 'play at home day or night without the death threat' appeal. I have six on my kit, 2 crashes, a China, 2 Splashes and a Ride. I have even just taken delivery yesterday of a second China and third Crash, but at this stage, I am not sure if or how I will incorporate these into my set up. | 
They look awesome on the kit and with a little tweaking here and there, they trigger just as required on the Roland brains and I have been delighted with them. For all that, the flag waving stops there, as currently one Smartrigger has decide to ooze said sticky stuff!
Every few days, droplets of glue the size of a drop of water from a tap appear, just daring me to be away long enough to allow it free fall onto one of my unsuspecting toms which would no doubt render the head useless.
As you wipe the tears of glue away, it is hard to avoid contact with the playing surface and watch out, if you get it on your fingers, you'll stick to everything you touch for days!
Sooner or later, no doubt the sticky stuff will come to an end and I guess I will face a dropping dampening layer? I've heard these reports a number of times, so contact has now been made with Uncle Sam to see what can be done.
To be fair, 1 out of 8 is no big deal to me, but it is frustrating as I'd be very happy to walk this planet with Smartrigger on my chest, but currently, I fear I might stick to all those I touch!
Anyone for Ectoplasm?
Off into the light...
